Intel has launched the "most advanced processor" ever. Leading Chip maker, Intel has launched its first quad-core solution for the desktop PC, achieved with 45 nanometre silicon technology.
The chip codenamed is ‘Nehalem’, the i7 processor.Quad-Core means 4 cores on the same slab of silicon.
Intel has launched the "most advanced processor" ever. Leading Chip maker, Intel has launched its first quad-core solution for the desktop PC, achieved with 45 nanometre silicon technology.
The chip will be available in three versions, with international unit prices ranging from nearly $1,000 for the top end ‘Extreme’ edition clocking 3.20 GHz to the $284 basic version at 2.66 GHz. All three chips conserve power by cutting down battery usage when the device is in idle state.
The chip codenamed is ‘Nehalem’, the i7 processor.Quad-Core means 4 cores on the same slab of silicon.
This is close to the launch of AMD's availability of its 45nm Quad-Core AMD Opteron™ processor.
Both the processors are similar in technology( 45 nm ). While the performances are yet to be compared. Both have received extensive reviews.
While the AMD's Opteron deliver faster “world switch” time, which enhances virtual machine efficiency, and feature improved Rapid Virtualization Indexing, more comparative review in my next article.... keep reading !!
Intel launches quad-core i7 processor
Posted by Roy Sudipto | | AMD, Intel, microprocessor chip | 0 comments »Intel has launched the "most advanced processor" ever. Leading Chip maker, Intel has launched its first quad-core solution for the desktop PC, achieved with 45 nanometre silicon technology.
The chip codenamed is ‘Nehalem’, the i7 processor.Quad-Core means 4 cores on the same slab of silicon.
Intel has launched the "most advanced processor" ever. Leading Chip maker, Intel has launched its first quad-core solution for the desktop PC, achieved with 45 nanometre silicon technology.
The chip will be available in three versions, with international unit prices ranging from nearly $1,000 for the top end ‘Extreme’ edition clocking 3.20 GHz to the $284 basic version at 2.66 GHz. All three chips conserve power by cutting down battery usage when the device is in idle state.
The chip codenamed is ‘Nehalem’, the i7 processor.Quad-Core means 4 cores on the same slab of silicon.
This is close to the launch of AMD's availability of its 45nm Quad-Core AMD Opteron™ processor.
Both the processors are similar in technology( 45 nm ). While the performances are yet to be compared. Both have received extensive reviews.
While the AMD's Opteron deliver faster “world switch” time, which enhances virtual machine efficiency, and feature improved Rapid Virtualization Indexing, more comparative review in my next article.... keep reading !!
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